ffxiv pvp with a controller Is it possible

Since coming back to the game, I've been trying to transition to using a controller so I can enjoy the majority of the game from the comforts of my sofa and big tv. All things considered, I've been surprised how easy the adjustment was considering I've almost exclusively been playing MMORPGs using K/M for a good 15 years now however trying frontlines for a few games and I'm finding the adjustment a lot harder. While I have no problems accessing any of my abilities, targeting players is a different story, I've been using the left and right buttons on the dpad to cycle enemies and while it's acceptable for pve, in pvp I'm struggling. Any tips? Maybe I just need more time or maybe I should just accept that I'm better off sticking to K/M for my pvp stuff.

its possible to do everything effectively in this game with a controller dont let people tell you otherwise

if you want to use a controller then do it dont let people dictate how you have fun

Have fun in Frontlines cycling through 15 enemies, garrudas and turrets while trying to target and finish that dragoon running away with 1% HP. When it takes just one mouse click with KB/M.

Oh wait, while you were cycling, he's healed to full again. Extremelly 'effectively' input device.

But in the Feast it's ok because much less targets, many Top 100 players including me use controllers without issues. If you need to buy ffxiv, I recommend you the best platform -Ssegold.com