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World of Warcraft: Battle of Azeroth Warfront mode

There are many other stories here (I will not destroy it for you). Sylvanas is a bit boring black and white, but King Christie has promoted the current Blizzard and game story. It hides some distortions (I live in New Zealand like an e-book and you complain...). Let's take a look.

The broad description of this game is called "stirring" here. Azelter was discovered at the end of the legion and was indeed the crystallization of Azeroth's own soul. This intense gloss looks like a meta agreement, and many new games have been produced. Players participate in various activities to win factions.

A new way for players to participate in games is to use a mechanism called Island Expeditions. The competition is fierce, but in PvE mode, the team hopes to "win" in the project and compete with randomly generated islands to obtain certain resources. The most interesting aspect of this new model is that opponents made up of opponent members are actually entirely AI. Blizzard insists that this AI is the most realistic in the past. This is not a simple 'assassin'. It is smart and needs to act like a player. game. However, I didn't fix it in still mode (weeping face), so I don't know if it's correct. This is a detailed editing mode. Legend of Warcraft, World of Warcraft video creator (he likes it).

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Another new way is Warfront mode. It was posted to BlizzCon until it appeared on the test server last month, and it was not actually aware that Warfronts was playing MOBA for up to 20 players in game mode. Players are basically NPC units (World of Warcraft RTS games). By launching or creating a base by attacking enemy forces, you need to increase your ability and frequency.

We recommend that you clear the defense. The focus of crime and resource-gathering activities is important in all games. Interestingly, the premise of war is very important, but Warfront is an island explorer with pure PvE experience, and the enemy is completely controlled by AI. I can't start from the first 3 hours of April, so I don't play, so I can't try it now (the video production legend is very popular, he is an exam experience).