'Final Fantasy XIV' Patch 4.11 Gameplay Features

All Saints Wake event will return to Final Fantasy XIV this year. Players can rejoin last year's Halloween. The trophies here will be a special event.

Square Enix announces resumption of All Saints Wake event. Race started at 1:00 am (PDT) on October 19th and will continue on Wednesday 71st November AM (PDT) to 59 minutes. Participants will receive special clothing and masks.

Interested players should be able to go to Gran Via to meet a mysterious traveler. Players must be at least 15 years of age to participate in All Saints Wake events. They must also complete the task "This may be a pirate."

The All Saints Wake incident occurred before the release of Final Fantasy XIV patch 4.11. Square Enix said it will open at a specific time on Tuesday, October 24.

This patch will bring Bahamut's unwound coils. This can be the most challenging challenge for seasoned Final Fantasy XIV players. Square Enix said the challenge is still the most horrible, Halloween will be the time.

On the other hand, some players are still overwhelmed by the previous release of the Platinum House due to much anticipated fun from Final Fantasy 14. More than 270 families should be in 12 different wards, but not enough to meet the needs of the gaming crowd. Especially on densely populated servers.

Some ffxiv gil complained that Shirogane's home was a disaster and worsened by server problems. This disappointed some players attributed to "Final Fantasy XIV."

Square Enix is ​​aware of this problem and promises more patches 4.2. The company has not announced it will be released soon.